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The time we spend online is going through the roof, while the time we spend with each other is dwindling. Fortunately, this is a trend we can reverse.
In this session, you’ll learn some simple ways to beat doomscrolling and reclaim a stronger sense of connection to yourself and the world around you.
7:00pm – Arrive & mingle
7:15pm – Tony leads a discussion on the issue of screen time, loneliness vs. disconnection, and the 11 forms of belonging
7:45pm – John leads: Many of us are escaping into a virtual reality world before getting to know, the one we’re born into. We’re missing the present moment, and all the beautiful splendor that were surrounded by. Wake up to the present moment and take a look around, majic is happening. I’ll talk about signs that you are in the throes of a compulsion. One that needs to be taken seriously and worked out to overcome.
8:15pm – Audience Q&A
8:30pm – Interactive activities
9:00pm – Wrap-up
John Baitsell was raised in the chaos of alcoholism and abuse. He dedicated his life to creating a spiritual practice that brings in peace and freedom. For decades, he’s been teaching and leading meditation workshops. Coaching people with substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health issues. He’s a certified recovery/spiritual coach and an ordained minister. He believes it’s incumbent upon all of us to do the work that moves US toward love and compassion.
Tony Bacigalupo led the charge to open Manhattan’s first coworking space, New Work City, in 2008. It was home to hundreds of meetup groups and community gatherings over the years, and led to speaking and facilitating at coworking conferences. He then turned his focus to helping hundreds of others around the world build similar spaces through his consultancy, New Work Cities.
Along the way, he started looking at the larger issue of loneliness and the role we can all play to build a more connected world. Through the Belongfulness Project, Tony’s now focused on creating resources to help people, spaces, and organizations educate people about the health implications of disconnection and what each of us can do about it.